Established in 1996, Systems Approach helps organizations improve safety performance by connecting people, processes and systems. Systems Approach provides strategic and tactical ways to improve performance in safety, health, environment, operations and production, management systems, and employee effectiveness through tailored approaches for a client’s specific needs.

About Our Roots
André Cornellier, President of Systems Approach Strategies, has been involved in accident investigation, consulting and training since 1981. Prior to the formation of Systems Approach Strategies (1996), Andre held a variety of responsibilities with Ontario Hydro. This provided 16 years of experience in a multitude of utility environments working at all levels of the organization, management and union. His expertise focuses on strategy development, performance assessments and audits, training and facilitation, MBTI©, customized health and safety management programming, accident and incident investigation. From 1986 to 1995, his responsibilities included both corporate and public investigation at Ontario Hydro.
The System Process Model:
Discovering Our Client’s Needs
Systems Approach has extensive experience in providing incident investigation consultation, training and support. This includes in-depth skills and experience such as system safety, problem solving, accident investigation, root cause analysis, human performance systems, adult training design and project management, to name a few. In addition, Systems Approach has in-house graphic design and creative design capabilities to ensure the specific design needs of a client are met with effectiveness and efficiency.
The particular focus of Systems Approach Strategies is the design and/or improvement of client incident investigation systems. Systems Approach draws upon various concepts and techniques when executing investigation work, be it a consulting or training engagement. System Safety concepts and techniques, in concert with MORT (Management Oversight & Risk Tree) provide the foundation for our investigation approach, titled LOC/In© (Loss of Control Investigation).